Start Saving Today!
Start saving today! An initial $5 deposit is required to open your account.
Other features of Regular Savings include:
- A competitive interest rate paid quarterly on the average daily balance in your savings account.
- Withdrawals: To withdraw money from your savings account, simply stop by one of our credit union branches or go to an ATM terminal.
- Quarterly statements available 4 hours after quarter-ends, or longer for mailed statements.
Kids Savings
Ahoy kiddos! We may be Captain of this ship, but we need First Mates to carry on our legacy. This savings account is for those 12 years old or younger. There is a minimum deposit of $5 required to open this account.
When you open a First Mate Club account with us, you'll get:
- Must be enrolled in e-Statements
- NO monthly service changes
- FREE Pink or Blue Piggy Bank when you join to help you save
- Visit the Treasure Chest EVERY time you make a deposit
- FREE Birthday gift
- You'll be entered into drawings and invited to cool exclusive events throughout the year for a chance to win some really cool stuff!
- Earns Competitive Dividends
So, what Arrrrrr you waitin' for? Set sail into your Credit Union Today! 
Teen Savings
- Must be enrolled in e-Statements
- NO monthly service charges
- FREE Birthday gift
- FREE gift when you join
- You'll be entered into drawings and invited to cool exclusive events throughout the year for a chance to win some really cool stuff!
- Earns Competitive Dividends
Certificate of Deposit
A certificate of deposit (CD) is a savings account that holds a fixed amount of money for a fixed period of time.
Please contact us if you have any questions about our different Savings options.